Monday, December 27, 2010

Concurrent Manager Setup (PCP) in 11i(RAC) Environment

Configuring parallel concurrent processing allows you to distribute concurrent
managers, and workload across multiple nodes in a cluster, or networked environment.
PCP can also be implemented in a RAC environment in order to provide automated
failover of workload should the primary (source), or secondary (target) concurrent
processing nodes, or RAC instances fail. There are several different failure
scenarios that can occur depending on the type of Applications Technology Stack
implementation that is performed.

The basic failure scenarios are:

1. The database instance that supports the CP, Applications, and Middle-Tier
processes such as Forms, or iAS can fail.
2. The Database node server that supports the CP, Applications, and Middle-Tier
processes such as Forms, or iAS can fail.
3. The Applications/Middle-Tier server that supports the CP (and Applications)
base can fail.

The concurrent processing tier can reside on either the Applications, Middle-Tier,
or Database Tier nodes. In a single tier configuration, non PCP environment, a
node failure will impact Concurrent Processing operations due to any of these
failure conditions. In a multi-node configuration the impact of any these types
of failures will be dependent upon what type of failure is experienced, and how
concurrent processing is distributed among the nodes in the configuration. Parallel
Concurrent Processing provides seamless failover for a Concurrent Processing
environment in the event that any of these types of failures takes place.

In an Applications environment where the database tier utilizes Listener
(server) load balancing, and in a non-load balanced environment, there
are changes that must be made to the default configuration generated by
Autoconfig so that CP initialization, processing, and PCP functionality are
initiated properly on their respective/assigned nodes. These changes are
described in the next section - Concurrent Manager Setup and Configuration
Requirements in an 11i RAC Environment.

The current Concurrent Processing architecture with Global Service Management
consists of the following processes and communication model, where each process
is responsible for performing a specific set of routines and communicating with
parent and dependent processes.

Internal Concurrent Manager (FNDLIBR process) - Communicates with the Service

The Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) starts, sets the number of active processes,
monitors, and terminates all other concurrent processes through requests made to
the Service Manager, including restarting any failed processes. The ICM also
starts and stops, and restarts the Service Manager for each node. The ICM will
perform process migration during an instance or node failure. The ICM will be
active on a single node. This is also true in a PCP environment, where the ICM
will be active on at least one node at all times.

Service Manager (FNDSM process) - Communicates with the Internal Concurrent Manager,
Concurrent Manager, and non-Manager Service processes.

The Service Manager (SM) spawns, and terminates manager and service processes (these
could be Forms, or Apache Listeners, Metrics or Reports Server, and any other process
controlled through Generic Service Management). When the ICM terminates the SM that
resides on the same node with the ICM will also terminate. The SM is ‘chained’ to
the ICM. The SM will only reinitialize after termination when there is a function it
needs to perform (start, or stop a process), so there may be periods of time when the
SM is not active, and this would be normal. All processes initialized by the SM
inherit the same environment as the SM. The SM’s environment is set by APPSORA.env
file, and the script. The TWO_TASK used by the SM to connect to a RAC
instance must match the instance_name from GV$INSTANCE. The apps_ listener must
be active on each CP node to support the SM connection to the local instance. There
should be a Service Manager active on each node where a Concurrent or non-Manager
service process will reside.

Internal Monitor (FNDIMON process) - Communicates with the Internal Concurrent

The Internal Monitor (IM) monitors the Internal Concurrent Manager, and restarts any
failed ICM on the local node. During a node failure in a PCP environment the IM will
restart the ICM on a surviving node (multiple ICM's may be started on multiple nodes,
but only the first ICM started will eventually remain active, all others will
gracefully terminate). There should be an Internal Monitor defined on each node
where the ICM may migrate.

Standard Manager (FNDLIBR process) - Communicates with the Service Manager and any
client application process.

The Standard Manager is a worker process, that initiates, and executes client requests
on behalf of Applications batch, and OLTP clients.

Transaction Manager - Communicates with the Service Manager, and any user process
initiated on behalf of a Forms, or Standard Manager request. See Note 240818.1
regarding Transaction Manager communication and setup requirements for RAC.

This article is provided for Applications development, product management, system
architects, and system administrators involved in deploying and configuring Oracle
Applications in a RAC environment. This document will also be useful to field
engineers and consulting organizations to facilitate installations and configuration
requirements of Applications 11i in a RAC environment.

Concurrent Manager Setup and Configuration Requirements in an 11i RAC Environment
In order to set up Setup Parallel Concurrent Processing Using AutoConfig with GSM,
follow the instructions in the 11.5.8 Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide
under Implementing Parallel Concurrent Processing using the following steps:

1. Applications 11.5.8 and higher is configured to use GSM. Verify the configuration
on each node (see WebIV Note 165041.1).
2. On each cluster node edit the Applications Context file (.xml), that resides
in APPL_TOP/admin, to set the variable ON .
It is normally set to OFF. This change should be performed using the Context
3. Prior to regenerating the configuration, copy the existing tnsnames.ora,
listener.ora and sqlnet.ora files, where they exist, under the 8.0.6 and iAS
ORACLE_HOME locations on the each node to preserve the files (i.e./
directory>/ora/$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin//tnsnames.ora). If any of
the Applications startup scripts that reside in COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/
have been modified also copy these to preserve the files.
4. Regenerate the configuration by running on each cluster node as
outlined in Note 165195.1.
5. After regenerating the configuration merge any changes back into the tnsnames.ora,
listener.ora and sqlnet.ora files in the network directories, and the startup
scripts in the COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/ directory. Each nodes tnsnames.ora
file must contain the aliases that exist on all other nodes in the cluster. When
merging tnsnames.ora files ensure that each node contains all other nodes
tnsnames.ora entries. This includes tns entries for any Applications tier nodes
where a concurrent request could be initiated, or request output to be viewed.
6. In the tnsnames.ora file of each Concurrent Processing node ensure that there is
an alias that matches the instance name from GV$INSTANCE of each Oracle instance
on each RAC node in the cluster. This is required in order for the SM to establish
connectivity to the local node during startup. The entry for the local node will
be the entry that is used for the TWO_TASK in APPSORA.env (also in the
APPS_.env file referenced in the Applications Listener [APPS_]
listener.ora file entry "envs='MYAPPSORA=/APPS_.env)
on each node in the cluster (this is modified in step 12).
7. Verify that the FNDSM_ entry has been added to the listener.ora file under
the 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/ directory. See WebiV Note 165041.1 for
instructions regarding configuring this entry. NOTE: With the implementation of
GSM the 8.0.6 Applications, and 9.2.0 Database listeners must be active on all PCP
nodes in the cluster during normal operations.
8. AutoConfig will update the database profiles and reset them for the node from
which it was last run. If necessary reset the database profiles back to their
original settings.
9. Ensure that the Applications Listener is active on each node in the cluster where
Concurrent, or Service processes will execute. On each node start the database
and Forms Server processes as required by the configuration that has been
10. Navigate to Install > Nodes and ensure that each node is registered. Use the node
name as it appears when executing a ‘nodename’ from the Unix prompt on the server.
GSM will add the appropriate services for each node at startup.
11. Navigate to Concurrent > Manager > Define, and set up the primary and secondary
node names for all the concurrent managers according to the desired configuration
for each node’s workload. The Internal Concurrent Manager should be defined on the
primary PCP node only. When defining the Internal Monitor for the secondary
(target) node(s), make the primary node (local node) assignment, and assign a
secondary node designation to the Internal Monitor, also assign a standard work
shift with one process.
12. Prior to starting the Manager processes it is necessary to edit the APPSORA.env
file on each node in order to specify a TWO_TASK entry that contains the
INSTANCE_NAME parameter for the local nodes Oracle instance, in order to bind
each Manager to the local instance. This should be done regardless of whether
Listener load balancing is configured, as it will ensure the configuration
conforms to the required standards of having the TWO_TASK set to the instance
name of each node as specified in GV$INSTANCE. Start the Concurrent Processes
on their primary node(s). This is the environment that the Service Manager
passes on to each process that it initializes on behalf of the Internal
Concurrent Manager. Also make the same update to the file referenced by the
Applications Listener APPS_ in the listener.ora entry "envs='MYAPPSORA=
/APPS_.env" on each node.
13. Navigate to Concurrent > Manager > Administer and verify that the Service Manager
and Internal Monitor are activated on the secondary node, and any other
addititional nodes in the cluster. The Internal Monitor should not be active on
the primary cluster node.
14. Stop and restart the Concurrent Manager processes on their primary node(s), and
verify that the managers are starting on their appropriate nodes. On the target
(secondary) node in addition to any defined managers you will see an FNDSM
process (the Service Manager), along with the FNDIMON process (Internal Monitor).

Failover Considerations
In order to have log and output files available to each node during an extended node
failure, each log and out directory needs to be made accessible to all other CP nodes
in the cluster (placed on shared disk).

In order to view log and output files from a failed node during an outage/node
failure, the FNDFS_ entry in tnsnames.ora under the 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME location
on each node should be configured using an ADDRESS_LIST following the example below,
to provide connect time failover. This entry should be placed in the tnsnames.ora
file on each node that supports Concurrent Processing, with the local node first in
the ADDRESS_LIST entry.


See Bug 3259441 for issues related to the TNS alias length exceeding 255 characters.

Without configuring connect time failover using the 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME tnsnames.ora
by specifying the ADDRESS_LIST entry the only other alternative is to perform a manual
update of the fnd_concurrent_requests table for each request, in order to reflect the
change in outfile_node_name, and logfile_node_name from the failed to the surviving

Determine the failed node name, and update the out and log entry to the
surviving node:

SQL> select outfile_node_name from fnd_concurrent_requests
2 where request_id=166273;


SQL> select logfile_node_name from fnd_concurrent_requests
2* where request_id=166273


Update both outfile and logfile_node_name from the failed to the surviving instance:

SQL> update fnd_concurrent_requests set outfile_node_name = 'COE-SVR5-PC'
2* where request_id =166273

SQL> update fnd_concurrent_requests set logfile_node_name = 'COE-SVR5-PC'
2* where request_id =166273

Using the ADDRESS_LIST rather than updating fnd_concurrent_reqests is the recommended
method to estabilsh failover access for Concurrent Manager log and output files.

Configuration Examples:
Finding the instance name -

column host_name format a20;
select host_name, instance_name from gv$instance;

----------- ----------------
coe-svr7-pc APRA7
coe-svr5-pc APRA5

Modifying the APPSORA.env & APPS_.env file for node coe-svr5-pc -

> cd $APPL_TOP
> cat APPSORA.env
# $Header: APPSORA_ux.env 115.4 2003/03/01 01:02:35 wdgreene ship $
# =============================================================================
# Execute environment for Oracle and APPL_TOP
# =============================================================================
# ###############################################################
# This file is automatically generated by AutoConfig. It will be read and over.
# If you were instructed to edit this file, or if you are not able to use the ss
# created by AutoConfig, refer to Metalink document 165195.1 for assistance.
# ###############################################################
. /oralocal/apraora/8.0.6/APRA.env
. /oralocal/apraappl/APRA.env
export TWO_TASK

TNS alias definition in tnsnames.ora on each node -


(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= coe-svr5-pc)(PORT=1523))
(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= coe-svr7-pc)(PORT=1523))

FNDFS entry in listener.ora on each node -


( SID_DESC = ( SID_NAME = FNDFS )( ORACLE_HOME = /oralocal/apraora/8.0.6 )
( PROGRAM = /oralocal/apraappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDFS )
/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/oralocal/apraora/8.0.6/lib' )

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Upgrade from to R12 Upgrade Oracle Applications from to R12
System Overview

Oracle Applications Vision Instance
OS: Redhat Linux update 5
Type: Single Node instance
Applications OS User: applmgrupd
Installed directory: /d01/oracle/singlenode
Database 9i OS User : oracleupd
9i Database Home = /d01/oracle/singlenode/testdb/9.2.0
10g Database Home = /d01/oracle/singlenode/testdb/10.2.0
Instance SID: TEST
Host: linux1

Task – To Upgrade Oracle Applications to R12
Note: Please use vision instance as it is already Multi-Org, Multi-Org is mandatory in R12

Note: The below upgrade is only for testing purposes, not to be implemented in production servers, please do refer metalink for more information.

Upgrade path
• Applications R11.5.6 and below requires to first upgrade to R11.5.10.2/10gR2
• Applications R11.5.7 and up can be directly upgraded to R12
• Database in all releases must have been upgraded to 10gR2 ( / or should be done during upgrade to R12 ( and below

Here are steps to upgrade Oracle Application to R12, let’s split the activity into 6 steps
1> Please do upgrade the database from to, the steps are available in the below link

2> Apply the below patches in your existing environment

Shut down the entire E-Business Suite environment and perform a full backup
4712852 - Minipack 11i.AD.I.4
5726010 - AD Preparation Scripts for R12

3> Run rapidwiz to create R12 code tree

4> Apply the below patches in R12 environment
4502962 – R12 Minipack

5> Configuration Phase – R12

6> Apply the online help

2> Apply the below patches in your existing environment
4712852 - Minipack 11i.AD.I.4
5726010 - AD Preparation Scripts for R12

Enable the maintenance mode

adadmin defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=adadmin.log
menu_option=ENABLE_MAINT_MODE workers=4

-- Apply Patch 4712852
cd 4712852

-- Takes 5 minutes
adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=4712852.log
patchtop=/software/upgrades/ driver=u4712852.drv workers=4
-- Apply patch u5753359.drv

-- Takes 2 minutes
adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=5753359.log
patchtop=/software/upgrades/ driver=u5753359.drv workers=4
-- Apply patch u5467526.drv

cd 5467526
adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=5467526.log
patchtop=/software/upgrades/ driver=u5467526.drv workers=4

-- Apply patch u5120936.drv
cd 5120936
adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=5120936.log
patchtop=/software/upgrades/ driver=u5120936.drv workers=4
cd $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql

sqlplus apps/apps @adtums.sql /usr/tmp

-- Review TUMS report in /usr/tmp
-- Apply patch 5726010

cd 5726010/

sqlplus apps/apps @adgncons.sql apps apps
# modify the adcrtbsp.sql to specify the path for new tablespaces

sqlplus system/manager @adcrtbsp.sql

su - oracleupd

mkdir -p $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin
cp /software/upgrades/ .

sqlplus '/ as sysdba' @adgrants.sql applsys
-- Run rapidwiz to create R12 code tree
The installation will install R12 applications components and the database home
Select upgrade to Oracle Applications R12
Select upgrade actions screen
select create upgrade file system

enter the parameters required to set up your new environment run rapid install Here are the screen shots for the same

The Installation creates APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, INST_TOP and 10g Oracle Home
Move the new environment file into .bash_profile
su - applmgrupd
cd /d01/oracle/apps/apps_st/appl
mv .bash_profile .bash_profile_11.5.10
cat APPSVIS_linux1.env >> /home/applmgrupd/.bash_profile
Now onwards, you are connected to R12 application
-- Apply patch AD.A 4502962
-- takes 6 minutes
cd 4502962/

Please enter the name of your AutoPatch driver file: u4502962.drv
-- Run the American English upgrade patch driver
-- Takes 40 hours
cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver

adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion

Please enter the name of your AutoPatch driver file: u4440000.drv
Run the NLS upgrade patch driver (conditional)
• Download the NLS Release 12 patch (4440000) for each active language in the system.
• Run each driver (u4440000.drv) with adpatch
• NLS patch driver has the same name as the American English patch driver.
Synchronize NLS and American English product patches (conditional)
• Generate manifest using perl $AD_TOP/bin/
• Backup manifest file $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/out/adgennls.txt
• Don’t check Translation Level Updates
• Upload manifest
• Download and apply patch
-- Configuration Phase
Disable maintenance mode
Run autoconfig

Run rapidwiz to configure and start processes
Sign on to R12 applications check concurrent managers

Run autoconfig
su - applmgrupd
perl $AD_TOP/bin/
su - oracleupd
cp /d01/oracle/inst/apps/TEST_linux1/admin/out/ .
unzip -o
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/TEST_linux1

Run rapidwiz to configure and start processes
rapidwiz - Upgrade to Oracle Applications Release 12 -> Upgrade Action -> Select Configure Upgraded

Release 12 instance

Note: I got the below error, but all services and the application is running.

Sign on to R12 applications check concurrent managers

Connect as sysadmin/sysadmin

-- Apply online help
cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver/
adpatch options=hotpatch,nocopyportion,nogenerateportion
Please enter the name of your AutoPatch driver file : u5051400.drv
-- Gather schema statistics for CBO
Release 12 employs cost-based optimization, which examines FND table statistics to determine the most
efficient access paths and join
methods for executing SQL statements. These statistics are gathered by the FND_STATS process, which
you initiate by running the
Gather Schema Statistics concurrent program.
From your Release 11i APPL_TOP, complete the following steps:
1. Log in to Oracle Applications with the System Administrator responsibility.
2. Navigate to the Submit Request window (Request > Run).
3. Submit the Gather Statistics program. (Schema)

1. Upgrading Oracle Applications Note# 289788.1
2. Oracle 10gR2 Database Preparation Guidelines for an E-Business Suite R12 Note#403339.1
3. Oracle applications R11.5.10.2 Maintenance pack Installation Note#316365.1
4. Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12 Part# B31566-01
5. Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications Release 12 Note#396009.1
6. Oracle Applications Release Notes Release 12 Note# 405293.1
7. E-Business Suite Release 12 Upgrade Sizing and Best Practices Note# 399362.1
8. Upgrading to R12 Note# 414710.1
9. Maintenance Wizard Note# 215527.1

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


There is a myth that if the table is not partitioned, then parallel DML will not work. This is no
longer true. Several years ago I had updated 35 million rows table (size 40GB) using parallel
DML option in 8i. The parallel update ran 6X faster than procedural update using PL/SQL.

In this paper, you will learn how to update a BIG Table using parallel DML option.

All the tests given below are conducted in 10gR2.

First, I created a table, T1 using ALL_OBJECTS. The table has 10,000 rows.

One of the quickest way to find out the effectiveness (throughput) of parallelism in your system
is to run a query (SELECT) using parallel option, and measure the throughput by querying
V$PQ_TQSTAT table.
(Note: V$PQ_TQSTAT will be renamed to V$PX_TQSTAT in 11g).
alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count = 128;

select /*+ FULL(t1) parallel(t1,8) */ * from tamil.t1 ;

select process, num_rows, bytes from v$pq_tqstat order by process;

---------- ---------- ----------
P000 1300 664452
P001 1300 664551
P002 1300 664551
P003 1300 664551
P004 1200 613428
P005 1200 613428
P006 1200 613428
P007 1200 613428
QC 10000 5111817
-- Query coordinator
If you see the number of rows evenly distributed among the parallel slave processes, then it
indicates that your system is well configured for parallel processing.
Case # 1 - Simple update on NON-PARTITIONED Table
I have built a table, T1 that has 3.11 Million rows.

SQL> desc t1
Name Null? Type
-------------------------- -------- ------------------

SQL> select count(*) from t1;


SQL> select table_name, num_rows, blocks, empty_blocks,
last_analyzed from user_tables
where table_name= 'T1' ;

------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ -----------
T1 3116183 43085 0 05-MAR-2007
[I used DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS procedure to gather table statistics with estimate
percent NULL(meaning 100 percent), but it reported more number of rows as you see in the
Let me do the first test.

SQL> alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count = 128;

Session altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

SQL> update tamil.t1 set object_name = lower(object_name);
3111872 rows updated.

Elapsed: 00:09:34.33
SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.13

A single process ran for 9 Min and 34 seconds.
Case # 2 Parallel Update on NON-PARTITIONED TABLE
I have shutdown the instance and restared.

SQL> alter session enable parallel dml ;

Session altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

SQL> alter session force parallel dml parallel 8;

Session altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

SQL> alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count = 128;

Session altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

SQL> update /*+ full(t1) parallel(t1,8) */
2 tamil.t1 set object_name = lower(object_name);
3111872 rows updated.

Elapsed: 00:00:28.03
SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:01.12
The parallel update took just 28 seconds versus 9 min 34 seconds in a single process update.
By setting highest value to DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT parameter, "PARALLEL DML"
and "FORCE PARALLEL DML" with correct degree of parallelism at the session level, you can
update a big table in a shorter time.

Do not attempt to process in parallel on a small table. In fact, it will run longer than what a single
process will take.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Agent Configuration Assistant Failed

Today I hit the following error while trying to perform a standalone Grid Control Agent install:


There could be a number of reasons as to why the agent configuration assistant would fail while you are trying to install the Grid Control Agent. The commands which failed are listed in the $AGENT_HOME/cfgtoollogs/configToolsFailedCommands file.

[oracle@myserver agent10g] cat cfgtoollogs/configToolFailedCommands
# Copyright © 1999, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

If you search metalink with “oracle.sysman.emcp.agent.AgentPlugIn” you will get a number of hits but the 2 most useful ones I have looked at are:

Troubleshooting the error oracle.sysman.emcp.agent.AgentPlugIn raised by the Agent Configuration Assistant (AgentCA)
Doc ID:

Troubleshooting the 'oracle.sysman.emcp.agent.AgentPlugIn has failed' error
Doc ID:

In my particular case, the agent failed because I entered an incorrect agent password during the install. Unfortunately there is no way to re-enter the password within OUI at this point so login to your server and follow the steps below:
  1. cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
  2. ./emctl stop agent
  3. ./emctl unsecure agent
  4. ./emctl secure agent
    • At this point you will be prompted for the agent registration password. If you input the incorrect password it will fail. Run this again until you enter the correct password.

  5. ./emctl start agent
Now you should be able to login to your Grid Control console and see this target.

Setting EM Blackouts from the GUI and Command Line

Oracle Enterprise Manager provides you with the ability to monitor your environments and alert you once specified thresholds have been reached. Blackouts allow you to suspend monitoring so you do not get notified. This is useful for scheduled maintenance windows, such as cold backups, where the application and/or database may not be available.

As well, blackouts also suspends data collection for the given targets. This means that certain metrics such as availability will not be affected.

To create a blackout from the GUI, login to Enterprise Manager, navigate to the target you would like to blackout and at the bottom of the page under Related Links you will see a Blackouts link. You will be brought to the following page:


On the screen above you can view any blackouts that may currently be in effect as well as create new ones. To create a new blackout click on the create button.


On this page you can create a name for the blackout, with the default being “Blackout-”. You can also select the targets you wish to set the blackout for. As you can see from the screenshot I am going to set a blackout for an infrastructure application server (infra10g).

You can also provide a reason for the blackout by click on the Reason drop down list. Quite a few are available, from Server Bounce to Security Patch. Jobs can be disabled by deselecting the Run jobs during the blackout checkbox. If your applying a security patch then you may not want a scheduled backup to run as it will either error or cause problems.


The next screen allows you to select which components within the target will be blacked out. I selected a full blackout but you can select certain members if the outage will only affect specific components.


This screen allows you to schedule the blackout. It can either start immediately or you can choose a date along with a duration. Blackouts can be repeating as well, so you only have to create one for that monthly maintenance window for example.


The last screen provides a summary and once you have finished reviewing click on the Finish button.

You can also set blackouts from the command line, which is useful if you have some maintenance scripts which are not executed from Enterprise Managers job system. I’ve only tested this on linux but it should be the same for windows.

To set a blackout for a list of targets:

emctl start blackout [[:]]…. [-d Duration]

To set a blackout for all targets on a host:

emctl start blackout [-nodeLevel] [-d ]

-nodeLevel tells the agent to stop monitoring all targets on the server.

-d Duration allows you to set a duration in the format of [days] hh:mm. ex. 1 02:05 means the blackout will last for 1 day, 2 hours and 5 minutes.

For example, to use this in a script in which all targets will be unavailable you would start a blackout at the beginning of the script and stop it at the end:

cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
./emctl start blackout alltargets-myserver –nodeLevel

cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
./emctl stop blackout alltargets-myserver


In case you hit issues with blackouts take a look at the following notes:

Subject: Agent Blackout Initiated By Emctl Command Not Ending Doc ID: 559577.1

Subject: EMDiagkit Download and Master Index Doc ID: 421053.1

Subject: How to Troubleshoot the EM 10gR1 Blackout Sub-system Doc ID: 284024.1

Subject: Troubleshooting Blackouts in EM 10g Grid Control using EMDiag Kit Doc ID: 300671.1

They provide alot of information and solutions to different scenarios. I hit an issue over the weekend in which the blackout didn’t end properly. When I tried to stop it from the command line:

[oracle@myserver ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/product/agent10g/bin/emctl stop blackout alltargets-myserver
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 3 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Blackout stop Error : Blackout name alltargets-myserver is invalid

When trying to end the blackout via Enterprise Manager:

Error stopping the blackout on "infra10g": ORA-20710: Agent-side blackouts cannot be edited or stopped ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_BLACKOUT_ENGINE", line 501 ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_BLACKOUT_ENGINE", line 3262 ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_BLACKOUT", line 74 ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_BLACKOUT_UI", line 1167 ORA-06512: at line 1 .

To fix this problem I performed the following:
1. Shutdown the agent on the target server myserver
2. Removed the blackouts.xml file under $AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd
3. Used note 421053.1 to install the EMDiag kit
4. Logged in as sysman on the Enterprise Managers repository database and executed the following query:

select blackout_guid, blackout_name
from mgmt_blackouts;

-------------------------------- ----------------------
30E2956CA329F0E59FBDF50951F2578E alltargets-myserver

5. Then executed:

exec mgmt_diag.KillBlackout(HEXTORAW(‘30E2956CA329F0E59FBDF50951F2578E’));

6. Restarted the agent on myserver and when I looked in Enterprise manager the blackout had cleared.

I have seen the command used above for some other scenarios but not this one specifically. Before executing any commands in your environment please test first.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oracle Applications Manager has some very handy sql script you can use when monitoring your EBS environment.

Custom sql scripts in OAM

I noticed Oracle Applications Manager has some very handy sql script you can use when monitoring your EBS environment.

When starting up OAM, navigate to Site Map ----> Monitoring ----> SQL Extensions
The following scripts are available...

There is also a way to add your own personal sql scripts to this page. When you follow the steps mentioned in Metalink note 216816.1, you will find your own scripts on this page.

So, here is what you should do.

1. create a custom directory in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory

2. now create a directory called 'sql' in this custom directory


[oracle@vamisux32 sql]$ ls

oa_info.sql patchlevel_ebs.sql

3. Now place your custom sql scripts in this directory

4. Bounce Apache to see the scripts in OAM

I have tested it with two custom scripts, and after bouncing Apache,
the two scripts are visible under 'Custom Extensions'...

You can run the custom scripts by clicking the 'run report' button.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

10g Enterprise Manager Grid Control and its advisors

Life after 10g Enterprise Manager Grid Control and its advisors

In my opinion history will show that, life of an Oracle DBA is divided into two stages; before and after 10g Enterprise Manager Grid Control :) I still remember some old days after paying to Oracle every possible extra licensing you may pay, everybody were paying lots of extra money to some bunch of other companies’ tools just to manage Oracle effectively. But somehow, someday Oracle decided to end its customers’ pain; Grid Control, Automatic Storage Management(ASM) and SQL Developer are examples of this strategy, so those were now the “good” old days just for some companies I guess.

Everybody even presidents needs, loves advisors. It is the same with Oracle, after 10g and with 11g Oracle is continuing to invest on its advisories. Memory, SQL Access and Tuning, Segment advisors have important parts in our lives now. But with this post I planned to discuss on some less popular advisors(I believe) like Undo, Redo and Automatic Checkpoint Tuning Advisors with 10g and also some 11g delights like Partitioning and Data Recovery advisors.

The Undo Advisor assists in correctly sizing the undo tablespace. The Undo Advisor can also be used to set the low threshold value of the undo retention period for any Oracle Flashback requirements. And to access the Undo Advisor in the Database Control you may follow; Administration > Undo Management > Undo Advisor

Also after 10g Rollback Monitoring improved; when a transaction rolls back, the event is recorded in the view V$SESSION_LONGOPS, if the process takes more than six seconds. This view enables you to estimate when the monitored rollback process will finish.

AND OPNAME =’Transaction Rollback’

Redo Log Tuning Advisory and Automatic Checkpoint Tuning are also new features introduced with 10G. The size of the redo log files can influence performance, because the behavior of the database writer and archiver processes depend on the redo log sizes. Generally, larger redo log files provide better performance, however it must balanced out with the expected recovery time, as rule of thumb switching logs at most once every fifteen-twenty minutes. Undersized log files increase checkpoint activity and increase CPU usage.

Checkpoint frequency is affected by several factors, including log file size and the setting of the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initialization parameter. If the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET parameter is set to limit the instance recovery time, Oracle automatically tries to checkpoint as frequently as necessary. Under this condition, the size of the log files should be large enough to avoid additional checkpointing due to under sized log files.

The redo logfile sizing advisory is specified by column optimal_logfile_size of v$instance_recovery. This feature require setting the parameter “fast_start_mttr_target” for the advisory to take effect and populate the column optimal_logfile_size.

You can try this with different settings of “FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET” but -
* If FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is set to such a small value that it is impossible to do a recovery within its time frame then target_mttr field of v$instance_recovery contains the effective MTTR target which is larger than FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET.
* If FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is set to such a high value that even in worst case entire buffer cache is dirty) recovery would not take that long, then target_mrrt field contains the estimated mttr in worst-case scnerios.

Code Listing 117 – Redo Log Tuning Advisory Demo

And to access the Redo Logfile Size Advisor you may follow; Administration > Storage > Redo Log Groups > Sizing Advice

10g also supports automatic checkpoint tuning. But by default, this feature is not enabled, because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET has a default value of 0. It is an advancement over the MTTR related parameter introduced in earlier versions. The idea is to use the periods of low I/O usage to advance checkpoints and therefore improve availability.

To enable automatic checkpoint tuning, unset FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET or set it to a nonzero value(This is measured in seconds). If you set this parameter to zero this feature will be disabled. When you enable fast-start checkpointing, remove or disable(set to 0) the following initialization parameters:
Enabling fast-start checkpointing can be done statically using the initialization files or dynamically using -

SQL> alter system set FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET=10;

Enabling fast-start checkpointing increases the average number of writes per transaction that DBWn issues for a given workload. However, if the system is not already near or at its maximum I/O capacity, then fast-start checkpointing has a negligible impact on performance. View V$MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE will give information on the additional I/O’s on various values of FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET. But if -
- FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is set to a low value – Fast-start checkpointing is more aggressive. The average number of writes per transaction that DBWn issues is higher in order to keep the thread checkpoint sufficiently advanced to meet the requested MTTR.
- FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is set to a high value – Fast-start checkpointing in less aggressive, and the average number of writes per transaction that DBWn issues is lower.
- FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is unset – automatic checkpoint tuning is in effect. Average number of writes per transaction is reduced but at the same time MTTR is highest.

So what about future releases and Oracle’s advisory strategy, I advise :) you to check 11g Manageability presentation’s fifth slide for some hints. After 11g a new advisor called Partition Advisor which analyzes the data access patterns and suggests the decision to choose the partitioning scheme and the partitioning column(s) will be assisting us especially during development and testing stages. By the way before 10g if you drop a partitioned table Oracle removed all the partitions at once, so time and resource consuming process. After 10g Release 2 when you drop a partitioned table, partitions are dropped one by one, maybe you already felt the change :)

Data Recovery Advisor will be another friend which automatically diagnose data failures and recommend repairs. You can repair failures manually or request that they be repaired automatically. Of course Enterprise Manager includes interfaces for these new advisors with 11g.

Testing Information : the scripts mentioned are tested on Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release

Refences Used :
Oracle® Database Performance Tuning Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2)
Note:265831.1 – Automatic Checkpoint Tuning in 10g
Note 180894.1 – “V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY”
Note 151062.1 – Init.ora Parameter “FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET” Reference Note
Note 30754.1 – Init.ora Parameter “LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL” Reference Note
Note 30755.1 – Init.ora Parameter “LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT” Reference Note
Note 68931.1 – Init.ora Parameter “FAST_START_IO_TARGET” Reference Note

August 16, 2007

Using Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Manually

Filed under: Oracle 10g New Features,Oracle How To,Oracle Performance — H.Tonguç Yılmaz @ 1:36 pm

For Oracle after 10g the statistical data needed for accurate diagnosis of a problem is saved in the Automatic Workload Repository(AWR). The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor(ADDM) analyzes the AWR data on a regular basis, then locates the root causes of performance problems, provides recommendations for correcting any problems and identifies non-problem areas of the system. Because AWR is a repository of historical performance data, ADDM can be used to analyze performance issues after the event.

This decision tree Oracle developed in years under ADDM improves root-cause analysis and after this amount of research and development you pay additional cost for this feature even you are using Enterprise Edition.

The goal of the analysis is to reduce a single throughput metric called DB time. DB time is the cumulative time spent by the database server in processing user requests. It includes wait time and CPU time of all non-idle user sessions. DB time is displayed in the V$SESS_TIME_MODEL and V$SYS_TIME_MODEL views.

The background process Manageability Monitor Process(MMON) schedules the automatic running of the ADDM. You only need to make sure that the initialization parameters STATISTICS_LEVEL is set to TYPICAL or ALL, in order for the AWR to gather its cache of performance statistics. MMON schedules the ADDM to run every time the AWR collects its most recent snapshot. To view the ADDM’s findings:
* Use the OEM Database Control, the primary interface for diagnostic monitoring is the Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control.
* Run the Oracle-provided script addmrpt.sql, very similar to statspack or awr reports.
Note: The DBMS_ADVISOR package requires the ADVISOR privilege.

Code Listing 112 – Manual ADDM Demo

ADDM analysis finding consists of the following four components:
* The definition of the problem itself
* The root cause of the performance problem
* Recommendation(s) to fix the problem
* The rationale for the proposed recommendations

Example ADDM Report

FINDING 1: 31% impact (7798 seconds)
SQL statements were not shared due to the usage of literals. This resulted in additional hard parses which were consuming significant database time.

RECOMMENDATION 1: Application Analysis, 31% benefit (7798 seconds)
ACTION: Investigate application logic for possible use of bind variables
instead of literals. Alternatively, you may set the parameter “cursor_sharing” to “force”.
RATIONALE: SQL statements with PLAN_HASH_VALUE 3106087033 were found to be using literals. Look in V$SQL for examples of such SQL statements.

In order to determining optimal I/O performance, ADDM uses the default value of the parameter DBIO_EXPECTED, which is 10 milliseconds.


Today’s hardwares can be significantly different, so you may set the parameter value one time for all subsequent ADDM executions of course for better advices. Since this is not an init.ora parameter, the parameter can be changed again with DBMS_ADVISOR supplied package;


There are two important views you will be checking for the results of the ADDM analysis:

1. DBA_ADVISOR_RECOMMENDATIONS: This view displays the results of completed diagnostic tasks with recommendations for the problems identified in each run. The recommendations should be looked at in the order of the RANK column, as this relays the magnitude of the problem for the recommendation. The BENEFIT column gives the benefit to the system you can expect after the recommendation is carried out.

2. DBA_ADVISOR_FINDINGS: This view displays all the findings and symptoms that the diagnostic monitor encountered along with the specific recommendation.

Testing Information : the scripts mentioned are tested on Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release

Refences Used :
Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) in Oracle Database 10g at
Oracle® Database Performance Tuning Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) – Chapter 6 Automatic Performance Diagnostics

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nid revert

NID-00111: Oracle error reported from target database while executing
begin dbms_backup_restore.nidprocessdf(:fno, :istemp, :skipped, :idchged, :nmchged); end;
ORA-01116: error in opening database file /gp_utyeb05/d001/temp01.dbf
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3
ORA-06512: at "SYS.X$DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE", line 6185
ORA-06512: at line 1

Change of database ID failed.
Must finish change or REVERT changes before attempting any database operation.
DBNEWID - Completed with errors.

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to
This problem can occur on any platform.


NID failing due to missing tempfiles:
ORA-01116: error in opening database file /ora/u10/oradata/eu0289p/temp01.dbf
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3
ORA-06512: at "SYS.X$DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE", line 6164
ORA-06512: at line 1


Bug 5861994

Issue reported matches those of bug 5861994, thus justifies cause. This bug is fixed in Oracle 11.2.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. While database is mounted, drop the tempfiles:
SQL> alter database tempfile 1 drop;

NOTE: this workaround may give error ora-19951 "cannot modify control file until DBNEWID is completed"

2. Recreate the controlfile:
- SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace resetlogs;

NOTE: Depending on how much NID had accomplished before failing, it may be required to recreate the controlfile with "set database" to new database name.

- SQL> startup nomount;
- SQL> create controlfile.....
- SQL> alter database open resetlogs;


You can also request the backport patch for this bug to prevent this error again.


Monday, May 17, 2010


EM Grid Agent targets.xml Modification After Database Upgrade

If you upgrade an Oracle database or start the database from a new Oracle Home, the following needs to be done for GC to recognise the change and for the database to be monitored via the GRID.

Shutdown the agent on the box -


./emctl stop agent.

Next make a copy and then edit the following file -

Location – AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml

Targets AGENT_TOKEN=”1982fef1f5fe5b9c64f3d1e2edd8c4e875c889df”
Target TYPE=”oracle_emd” NAME=”frmbwds06:3872″/
Target TYPE=”host” NAME=”frmbwds06″/
Target TYPE=”oracle_listener” NAME=”LISTENER_frmbwds06″
Property NAME=”ListenerOraDir” VALUE=”/u01/oracle/10.2/network/admin”/
Property NAME=”LsnrName” VALUE=”LISTENER”/
Property NAME=”Machine” VALUE=”″/
Property NAME=”OracleHome” VALUE=”/u01/oracle/10.2″/
Property NAME=”Port” VALUE=”1521″/
Target TYPE=”oracle_database” NAME=””
Property NAME=”OracleHome” VALUE=”/u01/oracle/10.2“/
Property NAME=”UserName” VALUE=”dbsnmp”/
Property NAME=”MachineName” VALUE=”″/
Property NAME=”Port” VALUE=”1521″/
Property NAME=”SID” VALUE=”adra”/
Property NAME=”ServiceName” VALUE=””/
Property NAME=”password” VALUE=”8b139f39a2544353″ ENCRYPTED=”TRUE”/
Property NAME=”Role” VALUE=”NORMAL”/

Make changes to ORACLE_HOME – Notice above I have changed the OH for adra to point to the 10g HOME.

Restart the agent -

cd $AGENT_HOME/bin

./emctl start agent -

After a minute or so -

./emctl status agent – to make sure uploads are happening to the repository on prdu010.

oracle@frmbwds06 bin ./emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Agent Version :
OMS Version :
Protocol Version :
Agent Home : /u01/oracle/agent10g
Agent binaries : /u01/oracle/agent10g
Agent Process ID : 1593568
Parent Process ID : 2007106
Agent URL : https://frmbwds06:3872/emd/main/
Repository URL :
Started at : 2009-03-14 13:20:18
Started by user : unknown
Last Reload : 2009-03-14 13:20:18
Last successful upload : 2009-03-17 09:33:06
Last attempted upload : 2009-03-17 09:37:39
Total Megabytes of XML files uploaded so far : 102.26
Number of XML files pending upload : 0
Size of XML files pending upload(MB) : 0.00
Available disk space on upload filesystem : 30.16%
Last attempted heartbeat to OMS : 2009-03-17 10:43:55
Last successful heartbeat to OMS : 2009-03-17 10:12:39
Agent is Running and Ready
oracle@frmbwds06 bin

EM Grid Control Agent Target Discovery

Sometimes , you may install the 10g OEM GRID agent before you actually create a new database or you may add a new database to an existing box.

This new database will have to be discovered by GRID CONTROL.

I created a database called test on a box which already had a Grid agent running on it.

This database has to be discovered by the agent and it’s details uploaded to the GRID.

Make sure the ORAINVENTORY location in /etc/oraInst.loc matches the location when you installed the AGENT.

Go to the new AGENT_HOME/bin and issue command agentca- d

test:/u01/ofsap/agent10g/bin> ./agentca -d
Stopping the agent using /u01/ofsap/agent10g/bin/emctl stop agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Stopping agent … stopped.
Running agentca using /u01/ofsap/agent10g/oui/bin/
ORACLE_HOME=/u01/ofsap/agent10g ACTION=Configure MODE=Perform
RESPONSE_FILE=/u01/ofsap/agent10g/response_file RERUN=TRUE
Perform – mode finished for action: Configure
Perform – mode finished for action: Configure

You can see the log file:

Output of log -

The action configuration is performing
The plug-in Agent Configuration Assistant is running

Performing free port detection on
Performing targets discovery and agent configuration
Starting the agent
AgentPlugIn:agent configuration finished with status = true

The plug-in Agent Configuration Assistant has successfully been performed
The action configuration has successfully completed

Now login to the database as sys, unlock the dbsnmp user and also change
the password of dbsnmp user – for example to temp.

Login to the GRID , and click on targets – choose the new box and then the
new database and configure the dbsmp user .

Once this is complete, the GRID screen will show both the agent and
database on the targets page.

Troubleshooting Grid Control Agent issues with startup

Sometimes the GRID CONTROL agent will not start because an old HTTP process is still running on the host – this usually happens if the agent has crashed for any reason.

Example -

Check status of agent.

oracle(DATABASE)@hostname:./emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Agent is Not Running


oracle(DATABASE)@fhostname:./emctl start agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting agent …… failed.
Failed to start HTTP listener.
Consult the log files in: /u01/oracle/agent10g/sysman/log

To solve the problem.


oracle(DATABASE)@hostname:netstat -an | grep 3872
tcp4 0 0 *.3872 *.* LISTEN

oracle(DATABASE)@hostname:ps -ef | grep emagent
oracle 864486 1 0 Jan 27 – 5:36 /u01/oracle/agent10g/perl/bin/perl /u01/oracle/agent10g/bin/ agent /u01/oracle/agent10g/sysman/log/emagent.nohup
oracle 1593344 864486 0 Jan 27 – 97:38 /u01/oracle/agent10g/bin/emagent


oracle(DATABASE)@hostname:ps -ef | grep emagent | awk ‘ {print $2}’ | xargs kill -9

oracle(DATABASE)@hostname:ps -ef | grep emagent| grep -v grep

No emagent process running now.

cd $AGENT_HOME/bin



oracle(DATABASE)@hostname:./emctl start agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.


Troubleshooting Agent Startup and Upload

If the agent in GRID control in not uploading to the OMS -

cd $AGENT_HOME/bin

oracle(DATABASE)@prdu030:./emctl start agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting agent ………. started.

oracle(DATABASE)@prdu030:./emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Agent Version :
OMS Version :
Protocol Version :
Agent Home : /u01/oracle/agent10g
Agent binaries : /u01/oracle/agent10g
Agent Process ID : 856310
Parent Process ID : 897132
Agent URL :
Repository URL :
Started at : 2009-08-07 12:27:29
Started by user : oracle
Last Reload : 2009-08-07 12:27:29
Last successful upload : (none)
Last attempted upload : (none)
Total Megabytes of XML files uploaded so far : 0.00
Number of XML files pending upload : 5004
Size of XML files pending upload(MB) : 20.53
Available disk space on upload filesystem : 69.35%
Collection Status : Disabled by Upload Manager
Last successful heartbeat to OMS : 2009-08-07 12:27:39
Agent is Running and Ready

Steps to fix this issue -

cd $AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd

rm lastupld.xml agntstmp.txt

cd $AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd/upload

rm *.*

cd $AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd/state

rm *.*

No need to remove storage directory under $AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd/state

cd $AGENT_HOME/bin

./emctl start agent

./emctl status agent

If the Last successful heartbeat to OMS is not shown as successful, then secure the agent .

cd $AGENT_HOME/bin

./emctl secure agent

Make sure the password prompted for matches the OMS password – usually the sysman password for the OMS URL -

Once agent is secured -

oracle(DATABASE)@prdu030:./emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Agent is Not Running

oracle(DATABASE)@prdu030:./emctl start agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting agent ……… started.

oracle(DATABASE)@prdu030:./emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Agent Version :
OMS Version :
Protocol Version :
Agent Home : /u01/oracle/agent10g
Agent binaries : /u01/oracle/agent10g
Agent Process ID : 217220
Parent Process ID : 864280
Agent URL :
Repository URL :
Started at : 2009-08-07 12:55:43
Started by user : oracle
Last Reload : 2009-08-07 12:55:43
Last successful upload : 2009-08-07 12:56:00
Total Megabytes of XML files uploaded so far : 2.00
Number of XML files pending upload : 6
Size of XML files pending upload(MB) : 3.96
Available disk space on upload filesystem : 69.31%
Last successful heartbeat to OMS : 2009-08-07 12:55:52—————————————————————
Agent is Running and Ready